Стивън Де Конинк, международен старши преподавател по Ортопедична медицина Cyriax

Физиотерапевт, международен старши инструктор по Cyriax, президент на Global Cyriax Institute (GCI), създател на настоящите учебни стандарти на OM CYRIAX (GCI)

1989: Завършва Свободния университет в Брюксел (Msc PT)
1989: Участие в курса по ортопедична медицина по Cyriax – 1 месец; Лазарет на Роял Виктория, Нюкасъл
1989 – и до днес: Работа в частна физиотерапевтична практика, De Haan, Белгия
1989 – 1992: Седемкратно участие в курсове по ортопедична медицина на Cyriax, ETGOM в Белгия и еднократно участие в Лондон,
1992: Участие в курс “Рефлекторен масаж на ходилото”, Париж
1992-1993: обучение като асистент на инструктор по ортопедична медицина по Cyriax, ETGOM
1993: Получаване на титлата Старши инструктор на Cyriax, ETGOM
1993: Участие в курс “Мануална терапия по Maitland “, Антверпен
1995, 1998: Участие в курс “Мануална терапия по Макензи”, Антверпен
1993 – днес: Провеждане на курсове OM Cyriax, ETGOM в над 35 страни
2018 – днес В България са проведени няколко курса по ортопедична медицина Cyriax

Brussels, Hasselt, De Haan, Brugge (Belgium), ETGOM
Hamburg (Germany), Fortbildung in Hamburg
Trier (Germany), Zentral Verband für Krankengymnasten
Berlin (Germany), Zentral Verband für Krankengymnasten
Bochum (Germany), Universitätsklinik Bergmannsheil
Weiskirchen (Germany), Academie Weiskirchen, CTG Trier
Ulm (Germany) , UlmKolleg
Utrecht (the Netherlands), ETGOM
Dallas, Texas (USA), Colombia Medical Center of Las Colinas
Vancouver (Canada) ; Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia
Houston (USA ); Texas Physical Therapy Association
Campinas (Brasil) ; Nucleo de estudos em fisioterapia
Sao Paulo (Brasil), Winfisio
Moscow, (Russia) Russian University of People’s Friendship
Youngstown (USA) ; Youngstown State University, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio (USA) ; Ohio Physical Therapy Association
Bologna (Italy) ; Associazione Italiana Terapisti della Riabilitazione
Barcelona (Spain) ; Isfyes
Hong Kong (China) ; Hong Kong Physical Therapy Association
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) ; Saudi German Hospital
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) ; Saudi German Hospital
Krakow (Poland) ; Reha+
Warsaw, Bydgoszcz (Poland), Actio
Seoul (South Korea) , Musculoskeletal Medicine Institute
Milano (Italy) ; Riabilitazione Oggi
Philadelphia (USA), Thomas Jefferson University
Vilnius (Lithuania)
Warren, Ohio (USA), Hillside rehab.
Lovran, Zagreb (Croatia), Croation Association of Physiotherapists
Trebnje (Slovenia), ETGOM
Luxembourg (Association Luxembourgeoise des Kinésithérapeutes)
Buenos Aires, Escobar (Argentina), FLENI
Dhaka (Bangladesh), Eastern Hospital and Medical Resaerch Centre)
Manama (Bahrain), Bahrain Physical Therapy Association
Cairo (Egypt), Primephysio – Cairo University
Bacau (Romenia), Bacau university
Alexandria (Egypt), Primephysio
Dubai (UAE), Edutrack events
Beirut (Lebanon), Primephysio
Corfu (Greece), local PT group
Belgrade (Serbia), Serbian PT association
Porto (Portugal), Bwizer
Kuwait City (Kuwait), Public Authority for Youth and Health (GECM) ; Ministry of Health, Administration of Physical Therapy Services
Santiago (Chile), Rehactiva Chile
Cordoba (Argentina), Colegio de kinesiologos
Lima (Peru), Terapia Manual Peru
Mostar (Bosnia Herzegovina), Physiotherapy Association of BH
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Vivae Training
Beijing (China), Chinese Academy of Somatic Rehabilitation)
Igalo (Montenegro), Montenegro Physiotherapy Association


25 may 1996 : key note speaker on the convention of the “Associazione Italiana Terapisti della Reabilitazione”, Bologna (I)
30 march – 1 april 1998 : speaker on the “Ohio Physical Therapy Association, Annual Conference”(USA)
27-29 august 1999 : McKenzie International Conference, poster presentation “Using the assessment form in a differential diagnosis purpose”, Maastricht (NL)
23 november 2002 : speaker on the “Convegno : Approccio, Valutazione e trattamento del paziente con algia vertebrale lombare : metodi a confronto” ; Milano, Italy
8 november 2003 : speaker on the “First Congress of Phsyiotherapy” in Lovran, Croatia
5 may 2005 : speaker on the “Physiokongress” in Aachen, Germany
15-17 june 2006 : speaker on the “Physiokongress” in Aachen, Germany
17-18 april 2009, key note speaker on the World Conference on Manual Therapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh
25 june 2010 : speaker on the annual conference of the International Society of Medical Shock Wave Treatment, Chicago, USA
23 october 2010 : speaker on the “Schmerzkongress 1 Thema 5 Meinungen” in Hamburg, Germany


1994: Kineflash: “Een wandeling door het bijscholingsbos, deel I, II, III”

1995: Author of “Handboek Orthopedische Geneeskunde Cyriax”, ETGOM

1995: Video implementation of OM Cyriax, “ETGOM

1997: Video production of OM Cyriax “Functional examination of the spine and extremities”, ETGOM

1999: Author: “Orthopedische Geneeskunde Cyriax in Theorie en Praktijk”, Brussels, Belgium Volume I: “Onderzoek en diagnose”, Volume II: “Behandeling dmv diepe dwarse frictie, manipulatie en tractie”.

2000: Author of numerous articles in specialist physiotherapeutic magazines, Belgium, Germany

2000: Author of “Testing Forms” (limbs and spine) “Cyriax Assesment Forms”, ETGOM

2003: Producer of DVD and VHS “Orthopedic Medicine Part I and II”

2003: Author of the books “Orthopedic Medicine in Theory and Practice, Part I and II” USA

2005: Author of the book “Cyriax Compact: updated untersuchen und behandeln”, Stuttgart

2005: Author of the book “Clinical Reasoning in Orthopedic Medicine: a new to the point practical guide”, ETGOM

2007: Producer of three DVDs: “Orthopedic Medicine”; Part I: “Functional examination and treatment of the upper extremity”; Part II: “Functional examination and treatment of the lower extremity”; Part III: “Functional examination and treatment of the spine and the SI-joint”

2007: DVD producer (prevention strategy in back pain): “Ontdek je rug, zelfbehandeling en preventie van rugklachten”, OMConsult (Dutch version)

2008: DVD producer (preventive strategy in back pain): “Fit und sexy, nur mit gesundem Rücken”, OMConsult (german version)

2009: Co-producer of a DVD: Orthopedic Medicine, infiltrations and injections in orthopedic and sports medicine, ETGOM

IX.2010: Producer of 4 new DVDs (Research and treatment in orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax and shockwave therapy in orthopedic medicine), ETGOM

VIII.2010: Project for prevention of back pain, designed for patients by Steven received Qfor certification ( www.qfor.org )

X.2011: Producer of USB – 7.36 GB (containing videos illustrating the study and all medical techniques used in orthopedic medicine CYRIAX), ETGOM

III.2012: The main author of the new book: “Clinical reasoning in modern orthopedic medicine”, ETGOM-OMConsult publications

IX.2014: Author of the “Back Instruction Card” (in Polish and French)

XII.2014: Author and producer of a series of films on the diagnosis of soft tissue damage: “MasterClass in Orthopedic Medicine”, ETGOM

I.2017: Co-author of the book: “Handbuch Physiotherapie, Umfassend aktuell evenidenzbasiert praxisnah”, KVM Der Medizinverlag, Berlin